Coleman Golf Cart Heater: Unravel Everything You Need to Know

Coleman Golf Cart Heater

The temperature is dropping significantly outside, but does that mean we have to stop playing our favorite sport? Not! To fight the freezing cold winters, there are golf cart heaters available that you can use to keep yourself warm during the winters. And what is a better product than the Coleman Golf Cart Heater?

Not all of us are fans of snuggling inside the blankets all day long during the winter. Some of us love to enjoy the chilly breeze outside. So, in that case, Coleman Golf Cart Heaters are your best friend. You can play the sport and then hop inside it whenever you like to warm up a bit. The Coleman Golf Cart Heater comes with an adapter that you can easily install and use in your golf cart without any hassle.

Need for a Coleman Golf Cart Heater

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Okay, so if now you are convinced why you need a Golf Cart Heater, here are the reasons why it should be the “Coleman Golf Cart Heater.” This Coleman Golf Cart Heater uses propane as its “heating mechanism.” This great Coleman Golf Cart heater is designed to produce as high as 3000 BTU of heat for seven hours. This heat that it produces requires a “16.4-oz” propane cylinder for every 3000 BTU of heat.

Using this Coleman Golf Cart Heater has also been made very easy. One can start this heater with just the press of a button. It directly ignites the “electronic ignition system” that is installed in the heater. The best part about this Coleman Golf Cart Heater is the adapter it comes with. One can have a golf cart from any company, and they need not worry about the installation or fitting of the heater as the adapter can be used in any golf cart.

Not only this, this Coleman Golf Cart Heater is designed so smartly that you can even use it in a “free-standing position” for even other outdoor activities apart from golf. Another reason the Coleman Golf Cart Heater is so popular among golfers is because it is super portable and comes with a “carrying bag.”

The manufacturers have designed this Coleman Golf Cart Heater so that it has a feature where one can adjust the temperature according to their needs. If you want the temperature of your golf cart a bit high, you change the settings according to your wish.

However, there are some complaints from some users that the Coleman Golf Cart Heater does not always fit in the coffee holder and tends to topple off. The main reason behind this issue is that the head of the Coleman Golf Cart Heater is pretty heavy, which sometimes makes it go out of balance and fall over.

Another major drawback of the Coleman Golf Cart Heater is that the amount of heat it produces may not be sufficient for areas that freeze during the winters. However, this Coleman Golf Cart Heater can definitely be used for low to mild winter regions.


  • The first advantage has to be the portable design of this Golf Cart Heater. It also comes with a carrying bag which adds to its benefits.
  • You can adjust the temperature of the heater as per your requirements.
  • You can also easily ignite the heater with just the push of a single button.


  • Since every propane cylinder can only produce 3000 BTU of heat, it requires frequent change of the propane cylinders.
  • If a golfer wants to use this heater where it’s severely cold during winter, then the warmth provided by this Heater might not be enough.

How to choose the right heater for your golf cart?

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If you are confused about choosing the right heater, here is the guide for you.

Choose Propane over Electric Heater

You should choose the Coleman Golf Cart Heater because it uses Propane instead of Electricity as its heating mechanism. Not only this, propane costs much less than the electric heaters both in terms of the price of the device and maintenance. These propane heaters are designed so that they are incredibly portable, and one can carry this around easily.

Safety Measures

It does not matter the type of heater you are using; taking the proper precautions is necessary. Following the right instructions when turning it on or off, maintaining oneself at a safe distance, not allowing it to tip over, and so on are all detailed in the manual.

Heating Efficiency

As already stated, this heater is not sufficient for very cold and freezing winter areas. So when you are purchasing a golf cart heater, make sure to check the BTU, which is the acronym for British thermal unit. This unit gives you an idea about the amount of heat the heater can produce and whether that would be sufficient for your golf cart in your area or not.

Installation and Portability

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Ease of installation is one of the essential features you must consider while buying a heater. The heater we have mentioned in this article is very easy to install as it comes with an adapter that you can easily fit in any golf cart from any company. Also, the portability of the heater is paramount. You can even take the Coleman Golf cart Heater outside and use it for other purposes when not used for the golf cart.

The Price and Maintenance Charges

The price of various golf cart heaters varies from company to company. So make sure to have a budget in mind before you go out and purchase a golf cart heater from any random country where your budget may go haywire. Also, you need to remember that the regular refilling of the propane adds up to the maintenance charges that you need to keep in mind from the beginning.

FAQs on Coleman Golf Cart Heater

Is it possible to install a heater in a golf cart?

Golf cart heaters are compact, making them simple to install and transport in the case of propane heaters. They also come with a number of safety mechanisms to ensure that you keep warm and that nothing in your Golf cart catches fire.

What is the average lifespan of a golf cart heater?

A wind-resistant safety screen is included. It runs on a 1 pound propane cylinder that is available separately, but it can provide continuous warmth for up to 5 1/2 hours.

Are Coleman golf cart heater cup holders available?

Coleman does not sell the golf cart heater cup holder individually but there are other companies from whom you can purchase this item. These are extremely portable and have the capacity to hold the 16 oz propane tank easily.

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