Exploding Golf Balls: The 3 best ones to use for a prank

Exploding Golf Balls

We all have pulled pranks on our friends and colleagues sometimes. But have you ever wondered to yourself, what would it be like if you could pull a prank on your friends while playing golf? Much to your surprise, this is now possible with the exploding golf balls. But hey! Don’t get scared by the term “exploding” it does not mean any deadly explosion, but rather some chalky dust that comes off.

The exploding golf balls disappear into thin air once the player hits them. It’s an excellent tool for pulling pranks on your friends. You can use the exploding golf balls as gifts and surprise the players once they hit the balls.

Different Exploding Golf Balls

So after reading till here, you are pretty much convinced that you will pull a prank on your golfer friend in te next game. Here is a list of different companies that offer you the best-exploding golf balls.


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Loftus is a company that sells one of the most popular exploding golf balls in the United States. These balls are available in various online stores like Amazon, eBay, and others. All you need to do is convince your golfer friend to use the ball you are giving. The best way to replace the golf ball with a normal one is to place it yourself and ask your friend to take the shot. Once he hits the ball with full force, then POOFF!! There is nothing except for some smoky white cloud of dust.


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This is the second most popular among the exploding golf balls. The ball has a hard plastic shell to give a look and feel of a regular golf ball. The manufacturers have paid particular attention to the build of the ball so that the person who is being “pranked” does not suspect when the ball is being changed. Once the ball is hit, it breaks open into small pieces, and a massive cloud of white powdery substance is formed. You might think that the powder would have some chemical smell to it. But surprise! surprise! the powder smells like some baby powder, so it is not uncomfortable at all.


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This golf ball comes in a set of 8. The entire collection of golf balls is made for “prank” purposes, including four exploding golf balls, two unputtable golf balls,1 Phantom Golf Ball, and 1 Jet Streamer Golf Ball. The four types of golf balls act differently. This set is also trendy among humorous golfers who are always looking for a way to pull a prank on their colleagues. These four exploding golf balls work precisely like the other two mentioned above. The ball explodes in a cloud of white dust, and the player is shocked at the reaction.

Other Prank Balls

Apart from the Exploding golf balls, other types of joke balls are also available that you might want to use.

The Phantom

The Phantom golf ball is pretty much similar to an exploding golf ball. In this one, the only difference is that instead of a powdery cloud-like exploding golf ball, it bursts into a watery mist. If you are the one who gets “pranked,” don’t be sad. At least remember you ended up watering the grass, and it’s a good cause!!

The Unputtable Golf Ball

This prank golf ball is very different than the exploding golf balls. In this one, when a player tries to put on the green, the ball will jump off and roll in an unpredictable direction. The secret of this golf ball lies in its weight. They are extra heavy compared to a regular golf ball and hence the reaction. You can also make this extra funny by placing a “bet” with your friend that he will not be able to put on the greens.

On a Final Note

It is always fun and games with friends and peers, and for that extra “edge,” the exploding golf balls are a perfect choice. But keep a few things in mind before you run a prank. Make sure to plan it sometime back so that nothing goes wrong in a hurry. Also, behave normally. Otherwise, you might be “busted.”

Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it safe to carry exploding prank balls on an airplane?

Yes, it is entirely safe. Although the name suggests otherwise, the product itself does not have any explosives that might be harmful. However, it is advised to check the airline’s terms and conditions before taking it on board.

How far can the pieces travel after the golf balls explode?

The golf ball’s pieces can go as high as 10 feet after the explosion.

Is there gender reveal golf balls available?

Some companies sell gender reveal exploding golf balls, and one can use them during baby showers.

Where to buy exploding golf balls offline?

You can get exploding golf balls in Walmart, Lake Arbor Golf Course, Belk, West Woods Golf Club, etc.

What’s inside an exploding golf ball?

Inside an exploding golf ball, some chalky powder is loaded that explodes to form the mist. The powder is not injurious to health, and people even use exploding golf balls at gender reveal parties.

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