Top 3 Low Spin Golf Balls That You Should Have in Your Collection!

Low Spin golf Balls

You may have heard many golf players complain about the low-spin golf balls. , But you would be surprised to know that a golfer needs rather than wants a low spin golf ball in specific scenarios. We know this may come as quite a surprise, and you are eager to see the reason behind it. So without further delay, let us give you a detailed insight into every aspect of the low spin golf balls.

The golf balls are one of the most overlooked aspects when a person first begins playing golf. It is so because the players start focusing more on perfecting their shots rather than digging deep to understand the actual reason behind the wrong ones. The balls you use to decide how it spins, how far it goes, and the height it reaches. The low spin golf balls are more predictable than the high spin ones. We shall discuss further in the upcoming sections other benefits of using the low spin golf balls.

Benefits Of Using Low Spin Golf Balls

One might enjoy multiple benefits from using low spin golf balls. All these advantages explain why these golf balls are somewhat popular among golfers.

The Predictability: As already mentioned, the trajectory of a low spin golf ball is more predictable than a high spin ball. The reason is that the lack of spin helps it eliminate the side spins that might otherwise affect the ball’s trajectory.

The Distance: The absence of sidespin and the low spin of the ball helps it neglect the effects of wind, especially when there are strong winds. It also maintains the height of the ball at a much lower level which further allows it to cover large distances.

Control: This is one of the most significant advantages you enjoy with the low spin golf balls. The predictability and absence of sidespin give greater control over the balls and hence a better shot.

The Top 3 Low Spin Golf Balls 

Among the multiple options available in the market, we picked and chose the top 3 low spin golf balls that suit the needs of every type of golfer.

1. The Srixon Soft Feel 

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This Golf ball is not explicitly made for a particular type of golfer; instead, this is for everyone. Senior golfers often struggle with having better control over the golf balls, and so do the higher handicapped players. This is a perfect choice for both of these categories. It’s a two-piece ball with a covering of surlyn ionomer.

The compression due to the outer layer has been reduced to 60, which helps in increasing the speed of the ball and takes care to lower the spin. The high speed and low spin, these two features together help cover more considerable distances when hitting right. One can use this ball till the handicap score does not come down to a single figure, after which you can switch to a urethane cover. 


  • The ball is made up of two pieces and has a large core 
  • The cover is made of ionomer
  • There are 338 dimples present 
  • Available in yellow and white colors
  • There are 60 compressions in the ball 
  • The price is affordable for everyone 
  • The cover is highly durable and lasts long

2. Vice Drive

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The Vice Drive Golf ball is especially suited for those who swing slower. The company targets those in the aged group with this particular range of golf balls. As a player grows older the capacity to make faster swings gradually decreases. The Vice Drive Golf ball is designed so that even with a low swing, the ball gives a perfect swing.

The covering of the golf ball is made of a cut-resistant Surlyn cover which makes the product extremely durable. However, there is only one issue with this particular low spin golf ball. The ball may feel very firm around the greens, which many players may not appreciate. 


  • Like the one mentioned above, this ball is also made up of a two-piece structure consisting of a significant core.
  • The dimple pattern is made up of 318 dimples. 
  • The compression is low. 
  • The cover is made up of Surlyn, making it cut-resistant and giving it multiple round durabilities.
  • The price of the products is meager compared to other low spin golf balls on the market. 
  • Even though it strikes “low in the face,” it provides significant results. 

3. Mizuno RB566V

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This is one of the best three-piece golf balls with a low spin. The cover is made of an ionomer, making it a highly durable product. The best part about this ball is the dimple pattern; it comes with a unique 556 dimple pattern with micro dimples to reduce the drag on the ball. The reduced drag helps create the correct level of spin and hence meets the player’s needs perfectly.

The perfect combination of the dimples and micro dimples helps the ball launch at a higher angle and makes it more stoppable on the “greens.” The Japanese technology is behind this unique pattern which creates a good speed yet keeps the ball’s trajectory under control. 


  • Made up of three pieces and gives a soft compression
  • A unique 556 dimple pattern with micro dimples
  • Rubber core is soft
  • Cover made up of ionomer, which makes it highly long-lasting
  • Increased hang time 
  • Ideal for warm weather conditions to create mid to low swings 
  • It gives better ball speed than the two-piece golf balls

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use a low spin golf ball?

Every golfer can use the low spin golf balls. However, this is especially suited for the senior golfers and highly handicapped ones, who require more control.

Do low spin golf balls cover more distance?

The low spin golf balls do not go to a height and can cover more considerable distances comparatively.

Does the dimple pattern affect the spin of a ball?

Yes, the dimple pattern dramatically affects how a ball swings and spins under different environmental conditions.


Choosing the right golf ball is extremely important. Many of the players mistake going behind the brand name rather than looking for the ball that suits their needs. This approach often takes a longer time than usual to perfect the shots. Using low spin golf balls made up of ionomer covers until you reach a single-figure handicap level is wise. Do some research yourself before purchasing any golf ball by reading a particular article or taking someone’s advice. 

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