Black Golf Balls: A Gothic Choice of the Golfers?

Black Golf Balls

We are all aware of the pretty traditional white golf balls from various companies like Titleist or Taylormade. Did you know about the black golf balls? Yes, we are not kidding! Black golf balls are available commercially, and they are pretty popular among golfers.

Many companies like Nitro, Volvik, and others manufacture and sell black golf balls on various online stores. The black golf balls are easily visible on the greens, which is one of the reasons for their popularity. 

Significance of the Black golf balls

The black color has been trending for the past few years now. This is a color that the younger generation and the older ones appreciate. But yes, here we are, not talking about any apparel but golf balls. But you would be surprised to find that the same psychology works for choosing the black golf balls. Here are a few reasons to justify why golfers choose black ones.

Better Visibility

Like, Come on! this is a pretty evident reason for choosing the color in golf ball amongst all the other available colors. Black is a color that absorbs the highest amount of light. So that makes the color easily visible against any lighter background. There are primarily shades of greens and yellows in the golf course, so the black golf balls are easily visible when it lands on the greens at some distance from the player after being hit.

Not only this, the trajectory of the black golf balls is easily traceable because of the color. It becomes more accessible for the golfers to understand the path the ball is following and understand the precision and accuracy of their shot.

A color of sophistication

No one can argue that Black iBlack most sophisticated color in the color palette. Although there could be differences of opinions, black iBlacke is the “go-to color for most people.” Black golf balls hence give out the same vibe. When you see anyone playing with a black golf ball, we create a picture of them in our mind of being very sophisticated and composed.

Black is also a color that gives us a sense of strength and power. Black, a very intimidating color, creates an invisible veil of power to the people around. That is what happens with the black golf balls as well. The color of the ball makes sense of power and dominance around the others’ white balls, which indirectly affects the psychology of the players.

Hide the weakness

Sometimes we come across players who are very good at the sport. In these situations, our nervousness plays a significant role in interfering with the game’s performance. Black is a color that helps a person hide vulnerabilities and weaknesses. The black golf balls do not necessarily improve the game because of the color, but it does give the player a sense of security to hide their weaknesses from the opponent.

Black is also considered to be a “timeless color.” So if you are using the black golf balls, seeing them constantly will help build up your confidence subconsciously and help you excel in the game.

The Top 3 Black Golf Balls

After reading through our article, you might be interested in buying a set of black golf balls for yourself, but you do not know which one to buy? Worry not! Because we have got you covered in this field. We are providing you with a list of the top 3 black golf balls from the best companies in the market.

1. Volvik Golf Balls

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The Volvik Golf balls are available on Amazon and various other online stores. The matte black golf balls are one of their signature products. This company is the first to introduce “matte” colored golf balls to the world. The balls look much more sophisticated and give a sense of style for the player using them.

The ball is made up of “three pieces,” a design that helps players of all levels, be it amateurs or professionals, achieve the best possible swing. The matte black golf balls increase the visibility to a much greater extent which helps the player save time looking for the ball.

2. Nitro Golf balls

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This has to come second in the top 3 best black golf balls. The golf balls from Nitro are available commercially on Amazon and other sites. They often come in a set of 3. The balls are designed carefully, keeping in mind the United States Golfers Association or USGA’s standards, according to which the golf ball should not weigh more than 45.93 grams.

The golf balls have 90 dimples on each to give the maximum speed and length of the path. These balls may not be a good choice for the professional leagues, but they undoubtedly make a perfect choice for practicing or golf hobbyists.

3. Vice Pro Black Golf Balls

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This is one of the limited editions of black golf balls by Vice. They created these in collaboration with a lifestyle magazine. The ball uses modern technology to create a 4-piece design that allows the ball to travel maximum distance with accuracy and precision. Many golfers love to have a limited edition of accessories in their possession, and for them, this is a perfect match.

The urethane cover that has been used is matte Black iBlackor is made extra thin to make sure that the balls create short spins instead of long ones. The ball also has an amazing 346 dimples on each one of them, which gives the ball excellent control over the trajectory that it creates.

On a Final Note

The color of a golf ball you choose is a very personal opinion, but we must say black golf balls are the most incredible golf balls ever made! You can use them to show off your style and sophisticated nature or keep them as prized possessions like the one from Vice.

FAQs on Black Golf Balls

Do black golf balls affect the game?

No, the golf balls do not affect the game directly but indeed indirectly. The color black creates a sense of power and strength which ultimately helps the player o excel in the game.

Why don’t we find black golf balls in the professional leagues?

While playing in a severe scenario, one prefers to stick to the traditional methods rather than experimentation. And that is the reason in the professional leagues; we find the players us white balls instead of the colored ones.

Which president used black golf balls?

The famous president of the United States Of America, Woodrow Wilson, is known for using black golf balls. He used them to play golf in the snow.

Are black golf balls hard to find?

Black golf balls are not hard to find as they contrast pretty distinctly against the greens. However, if one is playing golf at night, finding black golf balls might be an issue.

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